
Hearing and Living the Sunday Readings

4th Sunday of Easter Yr B April 27, 2009

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hhuqpoGoing Deeper: The Good Shepherd

The image of the Good Shepherd is a rich image in the scriptures and in middle eastern history. It may stir your imagination as to a christian and servant lifestyle that is at the heart of all vocations – single, married, religious, priesthood. It may be an image worth reflecting on this week as we celebrate Vocations Sunday: What Am I Doing with my Life?

Imagine the scene: It is first-century Palestine. Each day the shepherd would take his flock out into the desert for the day’s grazing only to return to the sheepfold, a common enclosure with a low stone wall and a gated entrance. At day’s end the shepherds would bring their sheep to the fold to keep them safe from the dangers of the night – wolves and thieves. Each night a shepherd was designated to lie down in front of the sheep gate so no one could enter without  having to pass him first. He was the protector of the flock – with his very life if need be. After all the shepp were safely inside the yard, the shepherds would return to their nomadic tents. In the morning they would return to the fold again, each whistling or calling out the names of their sheep. The sheep instinctively knew the sound of their shepherd’s voice.

Be inspired to lay down your life – be good shepherds!

Peace be with you.
