
Hearing and Living the Sunday Readings

3rd Sunday of Easter Yr B April 25, 2009

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Going Deeper: Peace

On each of the occasions that Jesus appears to his disciples it is striking he keeps on giving his ‘peace’ message. “Peace be with you” he keeps on saying. He sees their questions, fears, they lock themselves in a room afraid, they are uncertain of the world outside. They are not sure what to do, what to say, how to live……

Peace is very interesting. It is described by Jesus as the special gift that the Spirit will bring. A gift that the world cannot give. Peaceful people are often very inviting, there is an inner warmth and gentleness. Peaceful people are not violent, easily angry or upsettable. We let peaceful people into our lives and recongise that they won’t hurt us. They have found something. They’ve reached a stage of accepting themselves. They aren’t fighting or pretending.

People of peace have perhaps deeply allowed the message and truth of Easter deep under their skin. They know they are incredibly and unbelievably loved by God. They know Christ’s death proves and brings forgiveness for all our sins. They know God is more powerful than any other force or political or spiritual power. People of peace live from this truth in their every breath and action.

Peace be with you!